- CAMH Talking About Mental Illness
- Lesson plans for discussing mental illness with your class.
- http://www.camh.ca/en/education/teachers_school_programs/resources_for_teachers_and_schools/talking_about_mental_illness/Pages/tami_teachersresource.aspx
- Mental Health First Aid
- Two day workshop for adults who interact with youth on the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and how to help.
- http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/EN/Pages/default.aspx
- ABCs
of mental health for teachers
- Education on recognizing symptoms
- http://www.hincksdellcrest.org/ABC/Teacher-Resource/Welcome
- Making a Difference: An Educator’s Guide to Child and Youth Mental Health Problems & When Something’s Wrong: Ideas for Teachers
- Education on recognizing symptoms
- http://www.kidsmentalhealth.ca/professionals/mh_for_teachers_classrooms.php
- Teenmentalhealth.org
- This comprehensive curriculum guide provides 6 modules that can be used together or separately in High School classrooms to enhance mental health literacy (must purchase)
- www.Iristhedragon.com
- Curriculum to address children's mental health. The Units of Study reflects curriculum standards across Canada in a variety of elementary subject areas - and - focus on the themes of resiliency, bullying and self-advocacy. (must purchase)
- Child and Adolescent Behaviour Toolbox
- Software program designed for professionals, accessible for mental health practitioners and professionals who work with children and youth who have developmental and behavioural problems. All schools have access through username and password.
- http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2734.asp
- Alberta Health Services
Mental Health Kit
- http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2731.asp
- Elementary & Junior High
Addiction and Substance Use Lesson Plans
- http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/2677.asp
- Aligned with curriculum
- Target key transition points (grades 4, 7, 9, 11)
- Kids have stress too!
- Stress lessons for grades 1-3 and 4-6
- http://www.morethanmedication.ca/en/home/
- MindMatters – Enhancing Resilience Classroom
- An Australian based whole-school approach to promoting positive mental wellbeing. Resources are available recommending resiliency building activities.
- http://www.mindmatters.edu.au/resources_and_downloads/mindmatters/mindmatters_resource_kit_landing.html
- Positive Mental Health
- Websites for individuals, provides tools for how to promote different aspects of mental wellbeing
- http://mynewhead.com/
- Alberta Education: Mental Health Matters
- Posters available to promote positive mental health as well as videos to use as conversation starters
- www.education.alberta.ca/mentalhealthmatters
- Open Up
- A video created by educators, for educators, on the topic of school mental health and substance abuse.
- http://www.ocdsb.ca/com/Mental%20Health%20Docs/OPEN%20UP%20Flyer.pdf
- Positive
Mental Health Toolkit
- The Positive Mental Health Toolkit has been designed to promote Positive Mental Health perspectives and practices in the school context. The online toolkit is very interactive, with videos, worksheets and other planning tools to help schools promote positive mental health within a comprehensive school health framework
- http://www.jcshpositivementalhealthtoolkit.com/
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